I guess I’ve known it was coming all along. He’s taller than me, his voice is changing, and we had to buy him a razor. FOR. HIS. FACE. I’m not ready. But like it or not he is and so it was time transform his kid’s room into a teen boy’s modern bedroom makeover. One where he’s had just as much a hand in the design decisions as I have which is actually pretty cool even if it does make feel ancient and like someone is trying to take my baby from me.
Teen Boy’s Modern Bedroom Makeover – The Plan
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Here’s the inspiration my teenager picked out. He’s got a good eye even if I do say so myself!
This whole makeover will be complete in 6 weeks as part of the One Room Challenge. If you’re unfamiliar, the ORC is a 6-week design challenge where the challenge is to finish in 6 weeks, or, maybe just to finish at all. You might remember that modern farmhouse laundry room I tackled last year but didn’t finish in 6 weeks. I did finish but you still haven’t seen it and you won’t til August because I’m evil there’s lots of DIY projects that go along with it and I’ve got a full editorial calendar for the next several months.
When we moved to this house he was FOUR and he was just happy to have a real-life, honest-to-goodness, didn’t-come-from-a-box, substantial bed. And somehow, now, he’s almost fifteen and his feet are hanging off the end. Time is a monster.
But our Star Wars Themed Big Boy Room had a good run. The DIY IKEA Hack Closet System alone transformed the space and he loved this room for a really long time.
#1 – Little Room, Big Bed
In fact, he loved it so much it started to accumulate more and more stuff. In my mind, the way you know it’s time for a makeover is when it takes you longer to move all the stuff than it does to dust! I may not be ready for him to grow up but there is definitely something cathartic about being to remove everything from a room and starting over.
The first thing we have to tackle is the bed. He can’t use a twin anymore and his 11′ by 12′ room won’t accommodate another chunky bed like this one especially in a larger size. And if I’m being completely honest, all the “extra storage” on this one really just turned into an excuse to not put things back where they belonged.
So this time around we’re going for a larger bed with a smaller footprint, no need for storage because he has two great closets. The question is, will I buy it or will I build it? What do you think?
#2 – The Furniture Overkill
This is only the second time in my life that I’ve bought a suite of furniture all at one time and it is very likely to be the last. For one, too matchy-matchy isn’t as interesting as a collected look to me and, two, depending on your needs, less is definitely more when it comes to furniture in a small room, especially if you have lots of closet space to take advantage of. Three, there’s a cheaper way to do it and finally, I have learned that simple, uncluttered design is best when you have anxiety.
I want his room to be functional first and foremost but I also want it to be comfortable. I think we can scale down his furniture and give him more space without sacrificing functionality. For example, I really want to see a sitting area for him to just relax in, listen to music or do homework. I tried working in a desk but it was a space sacrifice that wasn’t necessary because he can always work in our amazing office if he needs a desk. And really, he sits at a desk all day anyway so would he really want one in his bedroom? I think not.
But I do have a super exciting idea for a dresser that I can’t wait to share! And I’m still to decide what I’ll do, if anything, about side tables.
#3 – Modern Wall Update
I won’t lie, these navy walls never really got old. It’s a color called Admirality by Valspar and it has always been gorgeous to me. He wants his new room to have some moody drama, which is so teenage chic, amiright?! And I’m all about a dark wall.
But do we go dark on all the walls? How dark? Charcoal? Black?
Those are questions we’re asking ourselves right now so I’ll start by picking up a sample pot in one of the shades he’s picked out and paint one of the walls so he can “live with it a bit” and see.
#4 -Ixnay the arpetcay
And finally, here’s a decision I have no difficulty in making,
For a number of reasons but mostly because we’re clean people and having carpet makes me less secure about this claim.
I don’t know if we’ll get to new flooring by the end of this challenge or not but I do know I’ll be ripping that carpet out with all the glee of Chip Gaines on demo day just as soon as I can. For now, we’ll go in with some area rugs that will give the floor a new look in the meantime and that will add warmth to the space once we get the new floors installed.
#5 Lighting
Living in the south pretty much decrees that every room must have a ceiling fan. But I’m really diggin’ a couple of fixtures, like this one from West Elm so we might just have to break that cardinal rule of southern living and figure out another way to stay cool. And we’ve also go to consider bedside lamps or some other accent lighting and we haven’t narrowed down those details yet.
That’s about it! There are some really great DIYs coming with this room makeover as well as some functionality and design tips that I think you’ll find useful no matter whose room you’re redoing. And, also, I promise to finish this time!
Hello My Friend!
Loving all your ideas! I agree with getting rid of the carpet. I cannot wait to remove mine and maybe go with the new luxury vinyl if I can afford it! Ha Ha! Love that West Elm light….gorgeous! I can’t wait to see the reveal!
Oh, I love your ideas! We are making over our son’s room for the ORC too! Glad to follow along on this with you!
Ahhhh, Jen, your post has gotten me all teary eyed! Usually, I’ve always got the thought of having him here for just a short time more on the back of my mind but I hadn’t even thought about that in terms of this makeover!! {TEARS} Where has the time gone? It looks like both of our boys is musical. I’m so glad you stopped by to say hello. Looking forward to following along with you, too!