Even if purple isn’t your color (and I have to say it isn’t necessarily mine, but this shade is awesome!) you still won’t believe what this now bar height table started out as!
Admittedly, I don’t have great before pics of this particular job. Since it was a rush job and time was of the essence. So you’ll just have imagine a teeny, tiny table from your preschool days. Because that’s exactly what it used to be!
My client needed to be bar height and wanted it to have casters. To keep from having to take the entire underside of the table apart, I sandwiched two 2x4s together and then shaved them down to fit into the slot the older, shorter legs had come out of.
After adding the new legs and casters, it is was time for paint. I had to prime the top because it was laminate.
After the primer dried it got a couple of coats of Vibrant Violet from Sherwin Williams. And I’ve gotta tell you, even though I’m not wild about purple in general, this is an amazing color.
Now she’s tall and stately. It’s thin enough to serve as an overflow for food service but still wide enough to be used a guest seating instead.
And you’d never know it once looked like it came straight out of a 1970’s preschool classroom.
And the addition of the nickle colored casters gives it a pop of modern.
It’s being paired with these bar height stools for extra seating and they are just short enough to go under the table for storage. Bonus!
Which I’m afraid you’ll just have to image. This sweet table left my possession never to be seen again. But it isn’t really hard is it, picturing those amazingly galvanized chairs under this fresh and crisp table? If you’re like me, it’s really making you rethink purple!
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