Back when I had my own store, one of the vendors used to bring in the most amazing random stuff. You never knew what to expect from her. Once she brought in this old metal tea kettle. A customer came in one day who wanted me to turn it into a light fixture. So today, that little metal tea kettle sits above a breakfast table on Tybee Island.
Another day she came in with a large rolled up paper and asked how and where she should display the newest addition to her booth.
Find out more about Amelia’s work on her blog, here.
She was an amazing artist herself so naturally I assumed it was a piece she’d done.
But no.
It was a piece she’d picked up somewhere along the way. She’d displayed it but was ready to pass it on. As soon as she unrolled it and I saw it I thought, I have to have this.
But I seemed to be the only one who was sure about that. And that kind of made me nervous.
I mean, it is amazing. Isn’t it?
I don’t know why I felt like I needed anyone’s permission to like it. I mean, I think I loved it. But I just wound up sitting it behind our counter for a few days. Occasionally I’d unroll it and look it over once more. I’m not sure who painted it or what the story is on what’s going on in that goat’s belly (steampunk, maybe?) but every time I looked at it I still really, really liked this weird goat.
And the one day…
I just brought it home. I mean, I did love it, didn’t I. And even if didn’t make sense to anyone else, it made sense to me.
It was a big piece of artwork and big artwork makes a big statement. And this one says to me, I’m different and that’s why you like me.
And since the day you tacked me to your wall just to “get a feel for me” you’ve liked me even more.
No matter what angle you view me from.
No matter how messy your dining room reno is making your dining room table, you still really, really like me. Love me even.
So. Just embrace it.
And what it says is so true. It just speaks right to my weird little heart.
My strange goat artwork stayed rolled up for another couple months after I brought him home. And then one day I brought him down from the studio and decided it was time. I’ve hung him temporarily to help inspire the frame I want to build for him.
And truly, every time I look at him I just love him more.
Bessie looks on from a far wall and she definitely approves.
Just get a load of that pink nose, would ya? She knows I adore her, too so that’s why she’s cool with the goat.
I cannot wait to build him a nice, chunky frame. And to have curtains. And to recover my chairs and refinish the top of my table and…. Well, obviously I’ve got a lot of work to do in here but in the meantime I have these two to keep me company.
Have you ever just had to have something that no one else understood?
Since I’ve had him on the wall some of his least supportive critics have decided he really is kind of cool.
Sometimes you just have to be you. Especially since no one else can be.
So keep it real friends. Even if it is weird.
Hi Jamie. I completely understand what you are saying:-) I saw this sculpture of a faceless woman wearing a turban at Pier 1 Imports. She was also in a long, flowy skirt. I left the store and could not sleep without thinking about it. After much taunting,my husband finally agreed to purchasing it for me 🙂
To me, the faceless woman represented all women, cultural, spiritual, intellectual, etc. Also, she appeared really graceful and unpredictable. I loved it!!!
I totally get that! And I’m glad you embraced that faceless woman even if you were the only one who “understood” and I bet you were glad, too!
Yay Amelia! cool piece–love the colors!
Where is the cow print from? 😉