This entire week has conspired against me.
I baked my Dad a birthday cake the night before his birthday party. And a rat ate it in the middle of the night. Not the whole thing, mind you. Just the center. He walked around and peed on the rest. In 8 yrs I have never seen evidence of a rat in our kitchen. Ever. I guess this one just really liked chocolate cake.
We need a new A/C until. Perfect. I’ll work the rest of the summer to pay that bill off.
My child caught a bug and threw up in the car. In my panic to clean him and get him comfortable I forgot about the car seat. Until the next day. It was 94 degrees. In. the. shade.
Those were just the highlights.
So if you’d told me a week before that I’d be blending up (and drinking) things like spinach and raspberries and that that would actually help me to get through this week from Hell….well, I wouldn’t have believed you.
But it’s true. I have never done a cleanse. I have never drank liquids for 3 days straight and I never, ever in a million years thought I’d be able to. But I did. And I did not die. {Or kill anyone. Except a rat.}
After the first day I had a headache. This was normal everyone told me. After all, I had given up caffeine and sugar and my body was all like, Whoa!
By the next day I felt amazing. Like I had been eating all of the things I really loved and they weren’t making me fat amazing. Like I could run a marathon amazing.
I was never hungry. Not once. And I’m pretty sure I’ve never said that in my whole entire life.
Every night I got to soak in a bath (for the first time in FOREVER) filled with Epsom salt and Lavender Essential oil. The really, really good stuff.
I would love to tell you that I did something productive like read Shakespeare or Keats but that would be a lie. I actually binge watched old episodes of Fringe.
Oh, and I did a little oil pulling, too. More on that another time.
The breakfast drink was my favorite but they were all more than tolerable. The lunch drink, with cucumbers, celery, pineapple and some other fun stuff seemed to give me the slightest of stomach cramps, those really high up in your gut ones. It was only slightly noticeable and I took that as a sign that it was really working.
The evening drink has some cayenne pepper spice in it. That’s something I could never really get used to but it was still totally doable.
So. Why did I force myself to blend up things I’d never thought of eating together before, much less drink? Because I had to do something. I’ve been struggling with some food sensitivities for years and finally my thyroid had started to suffer and I couldn’t ignore it any longer.
Honestly, I thought this would be horrible. I didn’t think I would make it through the first day much less 3. I thought my gag reflexes would kick in and it would all be a waste. But I felt so wonderful by day 2 that I knew I could keep going. I wanted to keep going. And frankly, I can’t wait to do this again in the future.
Have you ever done a cleanse? How did you feel?
If you’d like more info on the Dr. Oz 3-Day Detox Cleanse that I did you can find it, here.
We’re doing the Whole30 plan next. I drank liquids for 3 days straight! How hard can real food for 30 days be? I’m kidding, of course. It’ll be tough but I am so ready to feel like myself again and I have too much I want to do to let anything (especially bad foods) take that away from me.
P.S. This will likely be the hardest thing I have ever done. But I’m determined. And it’s time.
*Also, I wrote this only because many of you expressed interest after following my posts on Instagram. I am in no way affiliated with either of these programs.
La Verne says
Good for you, Jaime. It sounds like it was an important discovery for you in trying the cleanse. Did you notice any other benefits like weight loss or clothes fitting better?
La Verne@hopeandsalvaage
jamie says
I lost about 4 lbs by the second day and I can definitely tell a difference in my clothes afterward. Less bloat which is always a good thing. And a clearer head, too!
Marcy @ day2day SuperMom says
I’m glad to know that you enjoyed it, and felt totally awesome! Those things always sound scary to me too but I think I’ll try it now =)
jamie says
You should Marcy! You’ll feel great!
Celine says
I swear I can’t decide if I love your furniture makeovers more or your writing style! I always look forward to your posts, no matter the subject! I think a book should be on your To Do list…
jamie says
You have no idea just how much you’ve made my day! Thank you, thank you, thank you! It would be amazing if a book were in my future! 😉