There are a million things in my house that I still need to do. You know how that is?
How does that saying go? The only person not happy with a contractor’s work is a contractor’s wife (or husband – because not all contractors are boys!) – because a contractor’s house is never done. Well, I totally get that. With all the work I do for others the work in my own home always takes a back seat. I’m not complaining, mind you! But it is nice to get something done around here every now and again.
I was fortunate enough to be included as a spotlight blogger for a World Market campaign with Pollinate Media and to share with you their Victorian Isles Collection. This got my wheels spinning. What room will I work with? What should I do? And as soon as I saw the collection I KNEW! The Victorian Isles Collection was practically made for my kitchen. I love it when that happens! It includes my most favorite colors and the palette that I’m already using for my kitchen.
I’ve been meaning to get to work on my eat-in kitchen area since….forever. I inherited this kitchen table from my great aunt and uncle when they passed away. And for that reason alone it isn’t an ordinary, average, everyday table but it also served as an overflow table for every Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner. This makes it even more special. Even though I truly do not love the tile top I haven’t been able to change a thing…until now.
I have finally decided it’s time for a change. I will be removing the top and making another. I will be repurposing the current top in some other way in my home since I can’t stand to lose it altogether. And these dishes and terrarium will look stunning on the new top I have in mind for the table.
This bench was a hand-me-down from a good friend who moved across the country and couldn’t take this old church pew with her. {Love you Joy!} When I got it from her I recovered the bottom to match my decor and then I didn’t do very much else with it. Until I had the not so bright idea to add backrests. Not my best idea.
Spotting these pillows from World Market instantly made me realize what the bench needed. These beautiful pillows will soon a have the gorgeous backdrop they deserve.
What I really, really love about these products, and all of World Market’s products, is that they are so budget friendly. Normally, I wouldn’t buy pillows. I’d find a fabric and make my own. These large rectangular pillows are under $25 bucks! Even a die-hard DIYer like me appreciates that you can’t DIY it yourself for that little.
There were so many great products to choose from in this collection. It was so hard to decide!
I did wind up getting the cute little birdies and this amazing terrarium.
I also loved these plates and since I knew my Eat-in area needed an update, these were a must!
$5.99 for the small plate and only $7.99 for the large. You can’t beat that!
I LOVED these pillows but, alas, they wouldn’t quite have worked for my space. It wasn’t for lack of trying though. I was so tempted.
I can’t help but wonder what she’s thinking about. She looks quite pleased with it, whatever it is.
More gorgeous pillows. Can you tell I have a thing for pillows?
Like I said, it was very difficult to choose but choose I did and I couldn’t be happier with what I picked out.
I cannot wait to complete my Eat-in Kitchen makeover so that my bench and table will be worthy of all my great finds. I’m seeing another World Market shopping trip in my near future. Hmmm…maybe some new chairs to go with my made-over table!
I want one of each! Love it all!
I know! I love this collection!
Mm. Mm. CUTE Stuff. I need me a World Market by my house. Looking great Jamie!!
How far a drive is the nearest one Shannon? I have to drive an hour to mine but so worth it!
I love the items you picked!! I own the pillow that you bought,it is in my bedroom. I plan to drive over tomorrow and go get those adorable birds..and maybe just maybe a few other little items. 🙂
Oh have fun Stephanie! Wish I were going with you! I’ll be that pillow is stunning in a bedroom.
I love your treasures, and I love you! Laura
Im so excited you are redoing that table because I have that exact one sitting in my garage and I am scared to touch it.