Monroe, Georgia home of Cherry Hill Antique Mall – a 55,000 sq foot building of pure awesomeness. It’s located in a 120 year old restored cotton mill and has over 400 vendor spaces. And I wanted one of everything!
I’m a sucker for lighting. The quirkier, the better. I also love, love, love industrial lighting. The above is a montage of several of my favorites.
I love this old fan turned lamp. The chippy piece it’s sitting on ain’t bad either!
Plywood circles, corrugated cardboard and some dowel rods look like a million bucks when paired with a light bulb. But this one can be had for just $110.00.
Seriously. I could’ve just moved in! Give me a cup of tea and it’s almost as good as a trip to an English Country garden, no?
Entrance to the auction house. How fun is this?!
Even the bathrooms were awesome! Have I told you I love a good industrial look?
Old bread cart. I also love anything with casters. And wood.
I am going to be redoing my studio/office and I really wanted these card catalogs for storage. But there’s so much left to do in there before shopping for storage. Loved these though.
There’s a turquoise cart selling on IKEA for $49.99 that I’ve been dying to get. It’s about half the size of this vintage one. I was determined to bring this one home until my husband convinced me we couldn’t a) fit it into the car and were weren’t b) going to strap it to the top of our car for the 3 1/2 hr ride home. Hrmph
You may not see it, but this door is amazing to me.
See that old egg basket on the left of the table there? Got it. See that ladder that goes all the way to the ceiling? Wanted it.
Not exactly sure what this is, technically. But I believe it’s meant to be a cooler. That’s how I would’ve used it anyway.
I’m thinking you guys don’t even need any words from on this one.
Rice bin. I seriously wanted just about everything in this store!
This giant rolling cart was calling my name. Sure it was huge. Sure it was $500 but I was extremely tempted to load up all the stuff my husband said wouldn’t fit on or in our car and push this bad boy all the way home!
Great, great, great old suitcases. Love the old window, too.
While this is meant to be a display of burlap and flower magnets, I’m diggin the whole set-up.
I love every little thing that I got and I can’t wait to show what I do with it all. We managed to get it all in the car and still have room for all of us. Next time though, I’m going back with a trailer!
P.S. There were more great places right across the street from this one but I didn’t get to stop there this trip. Who’s game for another trip in the near future?
This place looks fantastic! How far is it from me? The weather will be springy soon, and I could use a good roadtrip! (I’m thinking I’m past the point of going to Youngstown State to scope out the engineering majors.) I’ll bring a U-Haul!
Kirby. we will totally meet you there!! Just name the time and day!
Now I know where my sister and I will go on our next ‘Thelma and Louise’ trip!
By the way…that thing you thought was a cooler? A washtub….you youngster, you!
Isabel I promise that was my next guess! 😉
And btw, if Thelma and Louise should need an additional partner, you know, just to mix things up, you’ve got my email. Right?!
oh man oh man. heaven isn’t too far away, right? i love industrial too. look at your little man with that hair. how cute.
You would love it Ashlea!
You and I would be dangerous on a road trip. I just bought a HUGE SUV so we could drag home just about anything. Haha. I love that ladder that goes to the ceiling. I’d prop it against a tree. As for the “cooler” it’s a double wash tub. It’s hard to find the doubles. I have a single which was found spray painted red and blue. I use it for plants but they are great for storing blankets or as you said, a cooler.
Yes we would! I love a good junkin trip. I would just junk hunt for a living if I could. Love it! Wish I had paid attention to how much that double cost now. I really loved the idea of using it at my next summer party!
OMG what a great shop I would need a trailer too! Thanks for sharing.
Yes. A trailer is definitely in order. I won’t go back without one! 😉
I wanna go! Awesome store 🙂
You ARE going! Whether you liked it or not! 😉
Lets go! Debbie’s truck! I’m in the backseat like old times 🙂
I think it’s only fair you get to sit in front this time. You know, just out of the blue the other day I realized I had sat in the front the WHOLE trip. How rude! I swear I didn’t mean to! LOL
I love junking trips. This looks like an amazing place. Will have to make it a trip. Thanks for sharing. Susan @
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